UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Presentation on Driving Climate Action through Multi-level Governance at the UN Summer Academy (27 June 2023, Virtual) June 28, 2023
On 27 June 2023, one DPIDG/UNPOG staff delivered a "Share talk" during the 2023 UN Summer Academy highlighting the crucial role of multi-level governance in addressing climate change challenges. The Session explored how collaboration among national, regional and local levels of governance can lead to the development of comprehensive climate change strategies. This “Share talk” was part of the immersive online learning experience offered by the UN Summer Academy centered around the theme of Governance for Sustainable Development. The sub-themes of Multilevel Governance, Green and Just Transitions, and Governance for the Future have been identified as critical areas within the governance framework for sustainable development. 

During the Summer Academy, 108 participants from 51 countries (56% women and 44% men) delved into these thematic areas and explored how systems thinking and futures thinking can effectively address complex issues. This year marked the first-time partnership between DPIDG/UNPOG and UN System Staff College (UNSSC), with a shared focus on Governance for Sustainable Development.
UNPOG : Presentation on Driving Climate Action through Multi-level Governance at the UN Summer Academy (27 June 2023, Virtual)
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