UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Webinar on Inclusive Mindset and Launch of the eLearning Course on Government Innovation for Social Inclusion of People in Vulnerable Situations June 21, 2024
Organised by
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), and its Project Office – United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG)
10 July 2024
16:00 - 17:15, Seoul (GMT+9)
14:00 - 15:15, Bangkok (GMT+7) 
10:00 - 11:15, Nairobi (GMT+3)
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), through the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG), and its Project Office on Governance (UNPOG) will organize a Webinar on Inclusive Mindset and Launch of the eLearning Course on “Government Innovation for Social Inclusion of People in Vulnerable Situations” (Toolkit).
Based on the UN DESA Curriculum on Governance for the SDGs, the Toolkit was developed in 2021 to promote government innovation for social inclusion of people in vulnerable situations by introducing approaches, strategies, and experiences at the national level. 
In 2024, the toolkit has been converted into a self-paced eLearning course available to all interested policymakers, practitioners, and interested stakeholders for free on the UN DESA Digital Learning Centre. The eLearning Course offers accessibility features.
This webinar aims to introduce the concept of an Inclusive Mindset and the importance of promoting the mindset in the public sector to ensure no one is left behind. It will also share the content and purpose of the eLearning course, “Government Innovation for Social Inclusion of People in Vulnerable Situations.” The eLearning course is designed to foster government innovation, specifically targeting social inclusion of people in vulnerable situations. It emphasizes introducing effective approaches, strategies, and real-world experiences at the national, local, and regional levels.
Contact Information
Ms. Hyeyoung Kim, Head, UN Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), DPIDG/UN DESA
Ms. Ana Thorlund, Governance and Public Administration Expert, UNPOG/DPIDG/UN DESA | thorlund@un.org
Ms. Hye Yong (Hailey) Kim, Associate Research and Policy Analysis Expert, UNPOG/DPIDG/UN DESA | hyeyong.kim@un.org
Ms. Hye Kyung (Shelley) Choi, Senior Programme Management Assistant, UNPOG/DPIDG/UN DESA | choi9@un.org
UNPOG : Webinar on Inclusive Mindset and Launch of the eLearning Course on Government Innovation for Social Inclusion of People in Vulnerable Situations
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