UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Participation in the Seoul Workshop for Strategic Foresight and Digital Diplomacy (18 February 2025, Seoul, Republic of Korea) February 19, 2025
DPIDG/UNPOG participated in the Seoul Workshop for Strategic Foresight and Digital Diplomacy jointly hosted by University College London (UCL) and Korea University. The workshop aimed to leverage strategic foresight and insights from political science and public administration to explore the trends, drivers, opportunities and challenges behind emerging cooperation between Europe and the Republic of Korea in the field of digital technologies particularly, Artificial Intelligence (AI). It served as a foresight exercise, presenting UCL’s survey results on key trends and drivers shaping digital partnership. Participants identified drivers of change and explored ways to enhance policy resilience and adaptability. The workshop was attended by 11 organizations including Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP), Science & Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Korea Development Institute (KDI), Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Dongguk University, TAEJAE Future Consensus Institute, and World Bank.
UNPOG : Participation in the Seoul Workshop for Strategic Foresight and Digital Diplomacy (18 February 2025, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
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