UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Participation in the 2024 International Mayors Forum - Session on Digital Government, Smart Cities, and Inclusion (2 July 2024, Virtual) July 04, 2024
DPIDG/UNPOG participated as a resource person in the International Mayors Forum, organized by UN DESA, the Government of Indonesia, represented by Jakarta, in collaboration with the United Cities and Local Governments in Asia Pacific and the Local 2030 Coalition. The event aimed to provide a platform for policy dialogue and knowledge sharing on implementing the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs and explored contributions to the 2024 Summit of the Future to accelerate SDG implementation.
DPIDG/UNPOG contributed to Session 3: Leveraging the Six Key Transitions: Investment Pathways to Achieve the SDGs Locally - Digital Government, Smart Cities, and Inclusion. The session highlighted the importance of an inclusive mindset and introduced the new DPIDG eLearning course on Government Innovation for Social Inclusion of People in Vulnerable Situations.  Key messages from The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024 were underscored, emphasizing that strengthening partnerships, comprehensive social protection systems, inclusive economic policies, investments in human capital, measures to address inequality and climate resilience, and international cooperation are essential to ending poverty.
UNPOG : Participation in the 2024 International Mayors Forum - Session on Digital Government, Smart Cities, and Inclusion (2 July 2024, Virtual)
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