UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Participation in the Capacity Development Training Workshop for Pakistan's Public Institutions to Realize the 2030 Agenda (8 May 2024, Virtual) May 13, 2024
DPIDG/UNPOG joined as a resource person at the Capacity Development Training Workshop in Pakistan, attended by 46 participants. The workshop, organised by the National Institute of Management, Lahore with the support of the UN Resident Coordinator Office in Pakistan and UN DESA, focused on changing mindsets in public institutions to achieve the 2030 Agenda. The workshop is based on the Curriculum on Governance for the SDGs - Toolkit on Changing Mindsets in Public Institutions to Implement the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
The workshop demonstrated ownership by the government of DPIDG’s training toolkit, and UNPOG contributed to promoting an experimental mindset aimed at addressing challenges in SDG implementation. Participants identified obstacles such as resistance to change and fear of failure, compounded by legal and technological constraints, and discussed strategies to overcome them. Transformational leadership was highlighted as crucial for transitioning from traditional bureaucracies to outcome-oriented institutions. Building capacity in public institutions, including technical, managerial, and cultural adaptations, was underscored as essential for effective 2030 Agenda implementation. The workshop aimed to promote a critical understanding of sustainable development issues, enhance governance capacity, and empower public servants to contribute actively to SDG achievement.
UNPOG : Participation in the Capacity Development Training Workshop for Pakistan's Public Institutions to Realize the 2030 Agenda (8 May 2024, Virtual)
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