UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Participation in the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway (AP-IS) Virtual Workshop on “Digital Data and Innovation” (1 November 2023, Online) November 02, 2023
DPIDG/UNPOG participated in the Virtual Workshop on “Digital Data and Innovation” at the request of UN ESCAP Secretariat for A-P Informationation Superhighway (APIS) on 1 November 2023. The Workshop was attended by 24 participants from government institutions, research institutes, universities and UN agencies. The UNPOG staff delivered a presentation on DPIDG and UNPOG’s ongoing work on digital data governance with an introduction of the draft Training Toolkit on Building Effective Digital Data Governance for Accelerating the Digital Government Transformation. During the Workshop, speakers from Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka and UK also elaborated on i) the significance of digital data as catalyst for innovation, strategic decision support and predictive analysis; ii) data and innovation from the South Asia’s perspective; and iii) establishing a cross-border data sharing system in ASEAN.
APIS is a region-wide intergovernmental platform that aims to bridge the digital divide and accelerate digital transformation through regionally coordinated actions promoting digital connectivity, digital technology and applications, and the use of digital data. DPIDG/UNPOG has been a member of the APIS since 2016.
UNPOG : Participation in the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway (AP-IS) Virtual Workshop on “Digital Data and Innovation” (1 November 2023, Online)
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