UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Workshop on Innovations in Public Service Delivery (11-12 June 2024, Virtual) June 14, 2024
DPIDG/UNPOG participated as a resource person in the Workshop on Innovations in Public Service Delivery organized by the Korea Productivity Center and the APO Secretariat in Japan. The workshop was attended by 38 participants from Cambodia, China, Iran, Mongolia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam. It aimed to identify drivers of innovation in public services to improve service delivery for citizens. Participants examined real-world case studies, understanding how innovation can transform public services to be more efficient, inclusive, and aligned with citizens' needs. The event underscored the importance of agility in public service delivery, equipping governments with crisis management protocols and essential data for effective action.
Based on the UN DESA Curriculum on Governance for the SDGs and the importance of Changing Mindsets in Public Institutions, UNPOG conducted a session on empowering government innovation by fostering experimental, inclusive mindsets and transformational leadership for SDG implementation. The session highlighted the role of continuous innovation in public service delivery, ensuring that public-sector entities with innovative and inclusive mindsets can better serve their citizens and respond to global challenges.
UNPOG : Workshop on Innovations in Public Service Delivery (11-12 June 2024, Virtual)
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