UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Participation in the Forum on Innovations in Public Service Delivery - Optimizing the Benefits and Mitigating the Risks in the Philippine Digital Transformation (4 July 2024, Virtual) July 04, 2024
At the invitation of the National Anti-Poverty Commission, Office of the President of the Philippines, DPIDG/UNPOG delivered a presentation on "Changing Mindsets: Experimental/Innovation and Transformative Leadership." The Forum on Innovations in Public Service Delivery in the Philippines aimed to foster stronger collaboration between National Government Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), basic sectors, and academia. This event resulted from the Philippines' participation in the Virtual Workshop on Innovations in Public Service Delivery held on 11 June 2024. 
Discussions were structured around developing innovative frameworks, balancing benefits and risks, and maximizing the benefits of technological advances. Key challenges addressed included charting courses of action for NGAs and LGUs to support innovations in public service delivery and formulating recommendations to ensure all segments of society benefit from digital transformation.
UNPOG : Participation in the Forum on Innovations in Public Service Delivery - Optimizing the Benefits and Mitigating the Risks in the Philippine Digital Transformation (4 July 2024, Virtual)
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