UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Participation in Capacity Development and Consultative Workshop on a National Data Governance Framework in Samoa (8 - 9 May 2024, Apia, Samoa) May 13, 2024
DPIDG/UNPOG participated in the Capacity Development and Consultative Workshop on a National Data Governance Framework in Samoa organised by UN DESA/DPIDG in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Government of Samoa. The Workshop brought together representatives from the UN, government, private, and public sector, civil societies, academia, and other key stakeholders to develop a national data governance framework. The Workshop provided a discussion platform to seek stakeholders' views and ideas to explore, digest, and propose issues of national data governance in Samoa. It catalysed dialogue among stakeholders towards developing and realizing an effective national data governance system for Samoa, finding good proposals for the way forward, and facilitated the building of a data-centric digital government.
The Workshop also served as an intervention in building the knowledge capacity in data governance by surfacing key issues for discussion and developing a shared understanding. DPIDG/UNPOG delivered a presentation on “Republic of Korea’s Experience in Data Governance” and leveraged the opportunity to build partnerships, create awareness, and promote its capacity development activities and support to member states including the training toolkits and knowledge products on data governance and digital government transformation.
UNPOG : Participation in Capacity Development and Consultative Workshop on a National Data Governance Framework in Samoa (8 - 9 May 2024, Apia, Samoa)
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