UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


UN DESA Policy Brief No. 162: Multilevel Governance for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation August 26, 2024
Key Messages
  • Effective climate action requires multilevel governance and coordination across national, regional, and local levels of government, as well as with non-state actors, to maximize synergies and ensure inclusive, coherent approaches.
  • By integrating equity into governance arrangements at all levels, global, national and local stakeholders can foster a more effective and sustainable response to climate change.
  • Policy coherence helps bridge the gap between national visions and local priorities in climate action, enabling sustainable and resilient outcomes through collaboration and innovation across governance levels and sectors.
  • Multi-stakeholder engagement in climate action fosters compliance, enhances policy quality, and ensures that strategies address real community needs while promoting inclusivity, particularly regarding indigenous peoples and vulnerable groups.
UNPOG : UN DESA Policy Brief No. 162: Multilevel Governance for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
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