UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


The 5th UNPAN E-Knowledge Management Training Workshop October 23, 2007
5th UNPAN e-Knowledge Management Training Workshop
Seoul, Korea, 23-26 October 2007
Session I: Experience Exchange among UNPAN members
Time Programme
9:00 Enrollment of attendants (Koreana hotel, 7th Floor)
9:30 Opening Session

Ms. Haiyan Qian, Chief, Knowledge Management Branch / DPADM/UNDESA
Mr. In-Jae Lee, Director, e-Government Learning Center / MOGAHA

Welcoming remarks

Mr. Yang-Sik Choi
Vice-Minister of Government Administration and Home Affairs, Republic of Korea

Mr. Myung-Soo Cho
Director, United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNGC)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Introduction of UNPAN members

Overall Report on the UNPAN implementation at global and regional levels –
(DPADM - H. Qian)
Q & A
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Experience and practices exchanges of knowledge management activities
through UNPAN tools: challenges and opportunities in the last 3 years by the
UNPAN members (10-minute presentation for each participant)
Q & A
15:30 Coffee Break
15:45 – 18:30 Continuation of the above
20:00 Dinner
[DAY TWO] Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Session II: Korea’s e-Government
Time Programme
9:00 Mr. In-Jae Lee, Director, e-Government Learning Center
9:30 H.E. Mr. Phil-Eon Seo
Assistant Minister, Government Administration and Home Affairs, Republic of Korea
Special Presentation on Government Innovation of the Republic of Korea
10:00 Coffee Break
10:15 Presentation on IT Policy and E-Government Strategy in Korea
Ms. Hyo-Yeong Lee, Assistant Director of E-Government Strategy Planning Team
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 Presentation on Knowledge Administration in Korea
Ms. Jin Lee, Assistant Director of Knowledge Administration Team
11:40 Coffee Break
12:00 Welcome luncheon party hosted by H.E. Mr. Yang-Sik Choi
Vice Minister for Government Administration and Home Affairs
13:00 Coffee Break
13:30 Presentation on Business Process Innovation in Government
Mr. Myung-Jae Moon, Professor, Department of Public Administration,
Yonsei University
14:10 Coffee Break
14:25 Presentation on Local E-Government in Korea
Mr. Taek-Gon Kim, Director of Administrative Informatization Team
15:05 Coffee Break
15:20 Presentation on Best Practices of E-Government system
Mr. Su-Nam Kim, Assistant Director of Immigration Clearance Division,
Ministry of Justice
16:00 Coffee Break
16:15 Presentation on Best Practices of E-Government Customer Service
Mr. Jae-Dong Hwang, Assistant Director of National Emergency Management Agency
17:00 Dinner
18:20 Cultural experience (Han River boat tour)
[DAY THREE] Thursday, 25 October 2007
Session III: UNPAN Systems Training
Time Programme
9:00 Ms. Haiyan Qian, Chief, Knowledge Management Branch/DPADM/UNDESA Chairperson

UNPAN Systems Training by Ms. Haiyan Qian and Mr. Deniz Susar
• Training on the UNPAN Web Content Management System (DotNetNuke)
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 Continuation of the above
12:30 Lunch
14:00 UNPAN Systems Training

• UNPAN Conference/Training Database
• Latest UNPAN Contact Database
• UNPAN Governance World Watch Database
15:30 Coffee Break
15:45 Continuation of the UNPAN Systems Training

• UNPAN Online Training Centre
16:30 UNPAN Systems Training Evaluation

• Online Quiz from UNPAN Online Training Centre
• Online Feedback Form
19:00 Dinner
19:50 Cultural Progamme (Tour of Cheonggyecheon and Dongdaemun)
[DAY FOUR] Friday, 26 October 2007
Session IV: Site Visits
Time Programme
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 In transit
9:30 Tour of Information Network Village
11:30 Lunch
12:30 In transit
13:30 Industrial visit to private sector IT company (Samsung Electronics in Suwon)
14:30 In transit
16:00 Tour of Government Innovation Center, MOGAHA Government Complex
16:30 In transit(Back to Koreana Hotel)
17:00 Break
17:40 Feedback (UNPAN and MOGAHA Surveys), Hotel 7F.
17:50 Closing Ceremony

• Ceremony for End of Programme
• Handing out of Certificates for successful completions
18:30 – 19:30 Farewell Dinner
Hosted by H.E. Mr. Yang-Sik Choi, Vice-Minister of MOGAHA
Documents available at:
UNPOG : The 5th UNPAN E-Knowledge Management Training Workshop
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