UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


International Conference on Government Innovation in Asian Countries-Experiences October 24, 2007
Time Programme
13:00–13:30 Registration
13:30 – 13:50 Opening Session : “Government Innovation in Asian Countries :   Experiences and Prospects” Opening Statement : H.E. Mr. Park Myung-jae, Minister, MOGAHA
Congratulatory Remarks : Ms. Haiyan Qian, Chief, Knowledge Management Branch, UNDESA

Welcome Address : Mr. Cho Myungsoo, Director, UNGC
13:50 – 14:50 Session 1 : “Key Values and Perspectives in Sustaining Government Innovation”
Moderator : Dr. Edward P. Reed, Representative, Asia Foundation  Korea Office
Presentation : Dr. Kim Hunmin, Professor, Ewha University
Presentation : Dr. Lee Changkil, Professor, Sejong University
Discussion : Dr. Song hah-zoong, Professor, Kyunghee University
Mr. Sandor Wang, Deputy Director, Ministry of 
Manpower, Singapore
14:50 –15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 – 17:00 Session 2 : “Insights from Implementing Government Innovation”
Moderator: Dr. Jung Yong-duck, President, the Korea Institute of Public Administration
Presentation : Mr. Jesse Robredo, Mayor, Naga City, Philippines
Presentation : Dr. Hu Shuigen, Professor, Zhejiang University, China
Presentation : Mr. Yee Thoong Then, Divisional Director, Ministry of Manpower,Singapore
Presentation :Dr. Choi Jinwook, Professor, Korea University

Discussion :Dr. Prijono Tjiptoherijanto, Professor, Indonesia University, Indonesia
Mr. Fang Shun Wu, Senior Manager, Ministry of Manpower, Singapore
Mr. Alfred P’ng, Levy Enforcement Officer, Ministry of Manpower, Singapore
17:00 Closing Session
Wrap-up : Dr. Jung Yong-duck, President, the Korea Institute of Public Administration,
Closing Remarks : Mr. Choi Yangsik, Vice Minister, MOGAHA
UNPOG : International Conference on Government Innovation in Asian Countries-Experiences
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