UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


UNPOG Plenary Session at 31st RT AAPAM September 21, 2009

The UNPOG Plenary Session at the 31st Round Table Conference of the African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM), organised in collaboration with the latter and held in Nairobi, Kenya (21 – 25 September, 2009), was a platform for discussion and sharing of information not only about gaps in existing knowledge on governance practices in different situations but also on some of its best practices. The session was also a platform for discussion of how public administration could help in addressing the impacts of the global economic and financial crisis on African countries. UNPOG sponsored two resource persons, who made presentations on the Republic of Korea’s development experience and the country’s strategy for facing the crisis. In the main the Korean strategy involved macro-economic adjustment in the form of pre-emptive fiscal and monetary policy responses, local and foreign investment support schemes coupled with vibrant domestic demand. The strategy also included restructuring to enhance the soundness of the financial sector and a new commitment to a ‘green economy’. 


The successful organisation of UNPOG Plenary session during the Roundtable event, reports and papers that were presented as well as other materials on the subject of the crisis.
UNPOG : UNPOG Plenary Session at 31st RT AAPAM
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