UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


UNPOG Session on E-Government for Development during World Cities CIO Forum September 29, 2009
UNPOG Session on
“eGovernment for Development ”

World Cities CIO Forum
29 September 2009 ; 5pm-6pm ; Seoul, South Korea
Time Programme
5:00pm Opening
Moderator: Mr. Kofi Torgbuiga, Programme Manager, UNPOG
5:00pm – 5:10pm Welcome Remarks
Mr. Jong-moo Choi, Head, UNPOG, on behalf of Ms. Haiyan Qian,
Director, UNDESA – Division for Public Administration and Development Management
5:10pm – 5:25pm Presentation by Robert de Jesus, UNPOG on the Electronic and Mobile
Government Knowledge Repository Initiative of the United Nations
5:25pm – 5:40pm Presentation by Prof. WANG Jianhua, Regional Cooperation Office for
City Informatization (RCOCI) on its eGovernment Initiatives and
Collaboration with the United Nations
5:40pm – 6:00pm Discussion
6:00pm Closing
Documents available at:
UNPOG : UNPOG Session on E-Government for Development during World Cities CIO Forum
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