UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


UNPOG E-Government Workshop in Bhutan January 14, 2010
Bhutan eGovernment Workshop
“e-Immigration and the Korean Experiences”
14-15 January 2010; Thimphu, Bhutan
Time Programme
14 January Opening and Introduction
Chairman: Jong-moo Choi
10:00 am – 10:30 am Welcome Remarks
Mr. Jong-moo Choi, Head
United Nations Project Office on Governance

Congratulatory Remarks 
Vice Minister of Home & Cultural Affairs, Bhutan
10:30 am – 11:45 am Session 1 

ICT for Public Administration 
Gregory Pokorny, Principal Researcher, National Information Society Agency

11:45 am – 13:00 pm Session 2 

Immigration Service of Korea: Past and Present
Soonam Kim, Deputy Director 
Border Control Division, Korea Immigration Service, Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea

13:00 pm – 14:30 pm Free time for Lunch
14:30 pm – 16:30 pm Session 3

Immigration Service of Bhutan: Present and its Challenges 
Department of Immigration Service, 
Ministry of Home & Cultural Affairs, Bhutan

16:30 pm – 16:50 pm Break
16:50 pm – 17:20 pm Wrap-up of the day
15 January Session 4
09:30 am – 11:00 am ICT for Better Immigration Service in Korea 
Soonam Kim, Deputy Director 
Border Control Division, Korea Immigration Service, Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea 

Discussion & Wrap-up
13:00 pm – 15:00 pm Onsite visit to Bhutan immigration service

- Meeting with the Minister of Home & Cultural Affairs
- Meeting with Staff from City Government of Thimphu

More details available at:
UNPOG : UNPOG E-Government Workshop in Bhutan
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