UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Consultative Workshop on E-Cities Network for Asia and the Pacific June 18, 2010
e-Cities Network Consultative Workshop
18 June 2010 | 9am – 5pm
Time Programme
9:00 – 9:20am WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Introduction from UNPoG and DPADM representatives
9:20 – 10:30am ABOUT TODAY:
Building the case for a local government knowledge network
Introduction and interactive session
o What’s the vision? Why an ‘e-Cities’ Knowledge Network?
o Where do we want to go? What will it look like?
o Presentation: The draft e-Cities framework

Perspectives on an e-Cities knowledge network
Presentations: The potential of e-Government and a knowledge network
Panel discussion: International focus on global partnerships

Creating a Roadmap for the way forward o Today’s purpose: Scoping the network (objectives, process and outcomes)
o Today’s process: Mapping key Drivers, Objectives, Benefits, Activities and Enablers.
Facilitated exercise: “Shaping the scope” (expectations, commitment, blockages)
10:30 – 10:45am BREAK
10:45 – 12:30pm
Scoping the e-Cities knowledge network – group discussion and report-back
1. Challenges and drivers
2. Aims and objectives
3. Outcomes and benefits
4. Enabling environment
5. Activities and initiatives
12:30 – 1:30pm LUNCH BREAK
1:30 – 2:45pm
Enabling the draft e-Cities framework – group discussion and report-back on issues, including:
o Key functions and mechanisms: What are the functions, features and mechanisms underpinning the network?
o Mobilising knowledge: How is learning currently exchanged? What methods of knowledge sharing will be of most value?
o Governance and management: How will the network be governed? How will network membership and content be managed?
o Partnership opportunities: What are the opportunities to partner within Local Government as well as with civil society and the private sector?
o Themes and content sources: What are the priority themes to be explored in the network? Where may suitable content be found?
o Support for e-Cities from National Associations and Ministries: How do you envisage your organisation supporting the network?
2:45 – 3:00pm BREAK
3:00 – 4:30pm ACTION SESSION Success factors
o Principles and practices
o Take-up and promotion
Next steps?
o Key priorities and actions for members
o Communicating the network
4:30 – 5:00pm COLLABORATIVE SESSION Local e-Government and the MDGs including highlights from WSIS Geneva, May 10-14
5:00pm CLOSE
Presentationa materials available at:
UNPOG : Consultative Workshop on E-Cities Network for Asia and the Pacific
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