UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


Participation in China E-Government Forum July 27, 2015
The Head of UNPOG, Mr. Lim, participated and presented at Theme Forum 3: Expectations on E-Government at China E-Government Forum on 25 July 2015. 

Mr. Lim delivered a presentation on e-government for sustainable development which dealt with an overview of the UN E-Government Survey, emerging topics in the 2016 Survey, relation between e-government and sustainable development, and future prospects of e-government. Mr. Lim’s presentation was well received by more than 100 audiences with a strong interest in the evaluation methodology of the Survey, topics to be covered in the 2016 Survey and new technologies to be utilised in the future of e-government. 

Mr. Lim also had a meeting with Mr. Wang Yimin (Head of E-Government Research Center of Chinese Academy of Governance). He expressed his strong wish to cooperate with UNPOG as happened in the past. In this connection, two sides shared the same thought to continue to cooperate in the future. In addition, Mr. Ding Yi (Associate Professor of CAG) especially thanked UNPOG on its excellent cooperation in his remarks.
UNPOG : Participation in China E-Government Forum
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