UNPOG : Theme - Capacity Development


UNPOG Promotion Booth at ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit December 12, 2014
UNPOG installed a promotion booth from 11 to 12 December 2014 during ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit, as a part of Exhibition on Public Governance. The booth presented not only the introduction of UNPOG itself but also the description of United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA), UN E-Government Survey, and most importantly, ASEAN-UNPOG Cooperation Plan on E-Procurement for 2015.

Visitors to UNPOG’s promotion booth include ministers and senior officials from ASEAN countries, government officials from various agencies in Korea, and officials from Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs (MOGAHA). They were provided with UNPOG’s brochure, guidelines for UNPSA, the brief summary of UN E-Government Survey, draft aide-memoire of UNPOG-ASEAN cooperation on e-procurement, and description of UNPOG’s cooperation with each ASEAN member countries, particularly in regard to building CIOs network in Asia-Pacific region. Many visitors showed keen interests in UNPSA and UN E-Government Survey, and some of them expressed strong wishes to discuss about the details for future consultation and cooperation. Mr. Lim, Head of UNPOG, talked to each ASEAN member country’s ministers of public administration and shared ideas to relate their interests in e-government to UNPOG’s activities. 
UNPOG : UNPOG Promotion Booth at ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit
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